If you are a postdoc at Penn, or its affiliated institutions, we are looking for your help as we update our bylaws in November 2023. We aim to complete the update across the next few weeks following the process below:
Feedback period (2 weeks, 11/06-11/20): Please submit your feedback on our new bylaws through this Google form, which will be open for two weeks following the posting of the draft.
Feedback integration period (~1 week, 11/20-11/29): The executive team will integrate feedback into the draft.
Voting period (1+ weeks, 11/29 onwards): Finally, the team will share the integrated draft for consideration along with a Google form. PPA members can use this form to submit votes indicating whether or not they would like this version of the bylaws to be accepted. The voting period will proceed until our Secretary declares quorum has been reached.
Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions. Thank you!