Public Relations Committee
Who we are
A group of enthusiastic postdocs who feel that communication is a key part of a successful career in science. We want to make sure that Penn postdocs will receive all the news and information necessary about events, seminars, and workshops to keep on top of their game!
What we do
Serve as the body through which all communication within PPA take place as well as a linking outside organizations with the PPA community
We manage PPA website (including profile updates & events calendar)
Communicate with other committees and generate/distribute newsletter to postdoc community
Manage PPA social media (PPA Instagram, PPA Twitter, and PPA LinkedIn).
Work with Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to communicate postdoc needs, advertise events and help with new postdoc orientation
Why you should join our committee
Because you will develop useful skills for your career once you will be an independent researcher like:
Website management
Project management
Now is a particularly great time to join as we have open recruitment for all committee positions. To learn more about this committee, please feel free to reach out to our chair.
People management
Social media management
Helen Schmidt, Chair
Dawn Chen, Member
Rohini Nair, Former Chair
Mayassa Bou-Dargham, Former Chair
Nektaria Leli, Former Chair
This page was adapted from and inspired by the work of the Yale Postdoc Association’s Chairs & Subcommittees pages. We encourage you to explore their website if you are a member of another postdoc association looking for inspiration!